LOVED the idea Becky Dietz shared the other day of her friends blog for Valentines and I decided to do a modified version mixed with some ideas from another blogger and myself. I made the boys "love jars". They have little coupons in the brown envelopes (movie night, date with mom, etc) and in the jars are things we have written that we love about them. Mine are written on pink and Derek's are written on red and they will draw a red and a pink out each morning or at dinner...haven't decided yet. So they will get two uplifting words everyday!
Makes me want to be more intentional everyday, to tell them at least one thing I love about them everyday. I would like to think I do already, but sometimes the days are so busy and they zoom by, I'm not sure I havent missed some days here and there. Anywho, I hope this will be something they cherish and look forward to each year!
Here is the final product:
1 comment:
Great idea!!! So cute and I know they will appreciate them so much!!!
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