Well...we have had lots going around these parts. We have something really cool that we are doing at our church this week. It's called The Tabernacle Experience. The guys (including my super awesome Honey) put it up at our church on Friday and it opened on Saturday. Derek and I had the first slot volunteering Sat morning...and it was almost cooler watching people go through it than going through myself.
Then Sunday, was the annual kids program at church. Corbin did soooo great! He had a line and a solo part, also. I was so proud of him!! (I have pics, but haven't downloaded them to my computer yet)
And our choir is also working on The Odes Project to finish off the Tabernacle Ex on Sunday night. I am making 300 programs for this...and it is A LOT of work. More than I had anticipated. I'm anal and a perfectionist, so I'm not sure I can physically let anyone help me...but it probably wouldn't be a bad idea. We'll see.
The boys and Remi and I just got back from a walk and playing at the school playground. The weather is SOOO awesome. There were some gross buggies landing on me...but other than that we had fun. Corbin rode his bike. He is getting better and better. Bryson is starting to ride his little bike, too. He still needs some work :)
We had a really great Easter, too! Seems like it was months ago...
And I last but not least...Corbin had a program at school a few weeks ago. He had to dress in something green...so I made him a costume...a bag of green jellybeans. Turned out pretty good!! :D
Ok...that's all for now!
Hope your week is going great!