D goes in next week...I hope that his goes as well as mine did.
Lots going on around these parts. I don't even know where to begin. I think the most annoying thing going on is that our little town has some theives on the loose. And they are robbing our churches...of all the places. I think last I heard our church was the 4th and this week they hit our benevolence ministry, Living Water. Not only did they steal some things and make a mess...but they stole food and then left some of the freezers open! I'm not sure if the food was completely ruined or not...but still...SOOO frustrating!!
Anywho...The boys all went to the Homecoming parade tonight. I really wanted to go and take pictures of the boys...but decided I would stay in and "baby" my eyes another day:) They brought home a TON of candy...
B also got some new cowboy boots from Tina (my step-mom) and my Dad tonight. He looks REALLY cute in them and he was SUPER excited wearing them! SOO CUTE! I will take pics of him later...he's in bed now.
So, another new thing in our house is family game night. Tuesday night is now officially family game night. Last week was our first night and we played Hungry, Hungry Hippo...
This week we played Toy Story Memory...which I didn't get any pics of. It's been fun...B of course usually does something to ruin the game...HA! Not really, he just doesn't follow all of the rules...
Well...If I put EVERYTHING I've missed in the last few weeks...this thing would be like 7 million pages long.
Unfortunately I haven't had a lot of time for scrapping lately :(
BUT, I'm hoping to have some stuff later this week. We've made some changes to our schedule and so we don't have AS many things going on now. Still a lot going on, just not as much.
Well, the weeks almost over and I hope it has been great for ya!